Jesus says that we have only this one day, and we must not be anxious for the day tomorrow. Sermon Bible Commentary. II. The topic of “blessings” occurs regularly in our Bible studies at St. John’s. Psalms 118:24 - Commentary and Explanation This verse has been interpreted by Athanasius, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes and others as referring to Sunday as the day of worship for the New Testament Church. Psalm 118:8 . He wrote (cited by C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David [Baker], 5:337), This is my psalm, my chosen psalm. 21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. Several different groups are enjoined to sing this little phrase, “The love of God endures forever.” We’re all to sing it in verse 1. THE JOY OF EASTER IS INSPIRED BY THE HOPE WHICH EASTER WARRANTS AND QUICKENS. This morning I want to talk about 'trust'. 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, a. his mercy endures forever. Now it was to deal with this specific difficulty that our Lord willed to die, and then, by a literal bodily resurrection, to rise from the grave. All rights reserved. Who of us has not made this discovery in some one of those dark hours, which sooner or later visit every human life? then we must acknowledge, on the contrary, how can we choose but sing the Lord's song, being delivered out of captivity? Not the day of his crucifixion; that was a great day for a ruined world, but for him it marked the lowest stage of humiliation and woe. Each day is a rich and precious gift from God, with new grace and new opportunities. The resurrection of our Saviour is the fact which makes an intelligent Christian certain of the truth of his creed. Elaine M. Ward. He will make the temptation and the way of escape so that we can bear it. Two Minutes In The Bible For Women. Or read the selected articles below. 2. xxiv., No. 1. I. 4:57. So it was at the time of Christ's resurrection. Eph. TO THE DAY OF REVIVAL AND RELIGIOUS PROSPERITY, How blessed such seasons are! He made it…and He has given it to you as a gift. Henry Morris on this is the day - This particular " day " was acknowledged as such by Christ when He wept over Jerusalem after its leaders had rejected Him. formidable enemies of human nature, robbing death of its sting, the grave of its victory, spoiling principalities and powers, triumphing over them, and making a show of them openly: by flinging open the gates of death and hell, proclaiming liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Sermons From the Psalms. III. This Is The Day. The apostles had been crushed by the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it, This day has the joy of deliverance from a great dread, And the day brings also the joy of full conviction as to the gospel we believe, The Memorial of Christ's Resurrection Ought Perpetually to be Celebrated, A Blessed Consciousness, a Marvellous Providence, a Joyous Day, The memorial of Christ's resurrection ought perpetually to be celebrated. To laud the name of the Lord, and to give thanks unto Him are the only language of our thankfulness (Psalm 42:5). his mercy endures forever. And the day brings also the joy of full conviction as to the gospel we believe. Condition: Used. 23 This is the LORD'S doing; it [is] marvellous in our eyes.. 24 This [is] the day [which] the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. © Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag, Norway. … Gone Fishin' Five. Who can over-estimate to man's body, mind, heart, and soul what the blessed Sunday brings? The word as used in Scripture means to be confident, to be sure, to be bold, and to be secure. Psalm 118:24 This Psalm has been applied by our Church to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord has made;Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Loving Father may I rejoice and be glad in You all my days of my life, no matter what the circumstances of life – and Father how we long for that wonderful day when the Lord Jesus comes to set up His kingdom on earth to rule and reign in righteousness – Maranatha – come Lord Jesus, in His name I pray, AMEN. Psalm 118:24 Further Study. EXPOSITION. He taught me how to watch and pray, and live rejoicing every day.” It’s the last part where it says “He taught me how to … more Thanks For Today-- Psalm 118:24-- Robert B. Lantz-- 1997. Psalm 118 is a praise psalm giving thanks for God’s love and everlasting mercy. God doth not deny it, but he that offereth Him praise doth honour Him; but will you know how that honour is best exalted? Such is the Divine mercy which we now commemorate; and therefore, if we commemorate it as we ought, we shall inwardly rejoice in the Lord, according to the joy in harvest, or as men rejoice when they divide the spoil on occasion of so great a flow of Divine blessings upon us all at once. - Psalm 118 Sermons. 1420. This Is The Day. But that dread departed, driven forth by the joy of the day of resurrection.

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