Another night spent tossing and turning while staring at your clock and calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you nod off now? What isn’t improved by the addition of this fragrant, succulent, crispy strip of goodness? ... even after a full night’s rest. And, when we add chocolate, it gets even better. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and getting appropriate exercise can help you sleep well. Unfortunately, if you’re aiming for a good night’s sleep, dark chocolate is one of the foods you’d better avoid. Here are seven foods that could the reason you keep waking up in the middle of the night, according to experts. common culprits of heartburn and acid reflux. Solve Sleep Apnea and Snoring Problems. Fruits. By using The Spruce, you accept our, The 8 Best Food-Of-The-Month Clubs of 2021, Easy Weekly Meal Planning From a Working Mom, How to Remove Fried Chicken Stains From Clothes, Carpet, Upholstery, The 6 Most Over-the-Top Charcuterie Chalets You Should Copy for the Holidays, The 10 Thanksgiving Charcuterie Boards on Instagram You Should Be Recreating, Top 10 Tips for Keeping Chickens in Winter, The 8 Best Memory Foam Mattress Toppers of 2021. Cutting down on these foods that make your body work hard close to bedtime may be able to help resolve your sleep issues. I used stevia and a small amount of coconut sugar to sweeten the shake. Dark chocolate has a wealth of health benefits: it’s packed with antioxidants that benefit your heart, improve insulin function and increase blood flow to your brain. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Stock up on lots of different K-cup flavors to keep your mornings bright and interesting. All-nighters are unavoidable at times -- maybe you need to finish an assignment for class or you have a lengthy videoconferencing session with an important client across the globe. Better choice: Have a banana. So, if you are still feeling lousy and do not wish to leave your bed, try your hands on these foods. Better choice: Sip a cup of herbal tea (be sure it’s non-caffeinated) before bed, and you’ll soon be visiting dreamland. Foods that make you stay awake at night can make you gain excessive weight by encouraging a habit of nighttime binging and daytime overeating as well. "Carbonated beverages cause bloating, which increases pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, which can lead to acid reflux," says Amidor. Better choice: Instead of beef, reach for a slice of unprocessed turkey breast or white chicken. Aged cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, brie, and Gouda, contain an amino acid called tyramine. "This can lead to reflux, which is most uncomfortable when you are laying in bed trying to sleep. "In addition to being high in saturated fat, which in research has been shown to disrupt sleep, red meat is difficult to digest," says Sass. Hot cereal isn’t just for breakfast. A better sleep snack: A turkey sandwich on whole wheat toast. Although we all love a good donut here and there, too much fried food or food high in fat before bed can have you waking up during the night. Foods to Avoid. Less restful sleep. Having K-cups and bags of tea in your dorm can help save a few bucks on your morning cup of coffee. They are also loaded with fat, however, which bogs down your digestive system throughout the night, interferes with your normal sleep cycle and potentially causes heartburn. If you’re sensitive, that might be enough to keep you awake. I wake up at about 5 a.m. He also told me to rinse my mouth and wait a while, rinse again and then brush – the same goes for acidic foods. Certain foods that are too spicy or perhaps fried and spicy in texture and flavor can create an acidic, heated environment in the body and keep us awake at night, says Keri Gans, MS, R.D. Anything from soda to beer can cause digestive distress and lead to night … Eating high-protein, high-fat foods like steak and other red meats within three hours of bedtime leaves your digestive system pulling an all-nighter – and your stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas need downtime just like the rest of you. Eggs. You’ll get the sweet flavor and a dose of potassium, magnesium, and tryptophan – all of which help you sleep better. Below are nine of the likeliest foods to cheat you out of a good night’s sleep, and better choices to help you log some shuteye. Spicy foods are at the top of the list, but acidic foods like tomatoes, oranges, and vinegar-based items are culprits too (bye-bye salt and vinegar chips). Certain foods may help to induce sleep and could prevent you from waking up hungry in the night. "High fat foods, like fried chicken and french fries, can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and also delay the emptying of the stomach," Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN tells Bustle. While these are good things during the day, they aren’t nearly so desirable at night --  and when you add in the potential for heartburn after that bowl of chili, you further increase the likelihood that you’ll be staring at your ceiling instead of the back of your eyelids. Try loading up on hydrating food choices like cucumber, grapefruit and watermelon instead. In general, whole foods rich in vitamins and nutrients are your best bet for feeling awake and energized, while junk foods high in fat, salt, and sugar will have you feeling sluggish and distracted. Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet and they're not just a great source of protein. Mmmm, bacon. This dish won’t only kill your craving for donuts and scones, but it will also decrease the level of orexin that makes you get up to eat. Nighttime hypoglycemia is a common concern for Type 1 diabetics, since the pancreas no longer secretes insulin to compensate for the lows. Bacon, pepperoni and sausage contain high levels of tyramine, an amino acid that boosts the secretion of the brain stimulant norepinephrine. If it's any of these foods, try cutting back and see if your sleep improves as a result. Dream79/Shutterstock. It’s important to pack your diet... 3. "This diverts more blood flow to your digestive system, which can lead to sluggishness and all-night restlessness. Hot, whole-grain cereals like oatmeal are good sources of fiber. Spicy foods with plenty of red pepper kick have several health benefits: they increase your metabolism, raise your temperature and stimulate blood flow. ", It's hard to resist topping off your dinner with a sweet treat, but your sleep may suffer as a result. Avocado. That is not to say these foods are necessarily bad for sleep though. These flavorful and healthy fruits add lots of zest to salads, soups and cooked dishes, but they also tend to cause heartburn – even more so if you eat them shortly before lying down in bed. Healthy food specialist, Karen Borsari recommends eating applesauce with cinnamon for those who want to eat sweet foods at night. So, here is a healthy option for you. "However, many people forget that the chocolate in their dessert may be enough of a stimulant to prevent quality sleep.". "Excess sugar is known to cause waking up in the middle of the night, or it can pull you out of a deep sleep, which leads to waking up feeling unrested.". A 2016 study looked at the effects of fiber intake on sleep quality. Foods that are hot or spicy can create an acidic environment in the digestive systemand can keep you awake. Here are 7 healthy foods to start your day that wake you up better than coffee. Better choice: Munch on a small handful of dried fruit, especially cherries or bananas, both of which contain minerals that aid in relaxation and sleep. You’re reaching for dessert and probably think half a regular-size bar of dark chocolate … If you suffer from gastric reflux, as does at least 20 percent of the population, you’ll sleep better if you avoid tomatoes and other acidic foods before bedtime. You’ll get a delicious taste, healthy vitamins and no unpleasant sensations to keep you awake. There are few foods that can help you stay awake for a longer time. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. 9. By ... and vitamin B6, which has been linked to a better night sleep. Staying awake and alert won't be easy if you are usually asleep during these hours. also off the list is any food that causes you internal inflammation. "Most people realize that drinking caffeinated coffee or tea close to bedtime may cause insomnia, Brenda Braslow, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE tells Bustle. I make a whey protein shake with whole milk every night before I go to bed when I wake up, I drink my shake and I can go back to sleep. foods that can wake you up in the middle of the night. If that sounds all-too-familiar, the blame might lie with your late-night food choices. So enjoy that fried chicken – but enjoy it at lunch or at an early dinner, not as your bedtime snack. Cured Meats. "It actually can help you fall asleep more quickly, but then it can prevent deep and continuous sleep throughout the night," says Braslow. Similar to spicy foods, eating a big meal before turning in for the night is probably not the best idea. This helps me to go back to sleep. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. And if you do want a drink in the evening (no judgment), enjoy it with dinner at least three to four hours before going to bed, advises Meyer. Chia Seeds. These foods are healthy and can are really effective to wake you up. What is happening: Waking up Choking at Night While Sleeping. While insomnia strikes everyone at one time or another, and sleep disturbances have many causes, one frequently overlooked reason for poor sleep is a tummy full of food that tends to interfere with your trip to the land of Nod. The result? You’ll do well with cottage cheese, ricotta, and non-aged mozzarella. On the days that I run I increase the amount of protein in the shake. The protein helps your body to make important enzymes that send signals to your brain to wake up and get moving. Like aged cheese, bacon and other cured meats (including sausage, bologna, pastrami, corned beef, and ham) contain hefty doses of tyramine, an amino acid that triggers your brain into alertness, not relaxation. Avocados are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that give our body energy that will last for... 2. Another night spent tossing and turning while staring at your clock and calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you nod off now? Most of the time, the foods that cause disruptions at night tend to be the ones that are more difficult to digest or that are common culprits of heartburn and acid reflux. Nuts. Food as Fuel: 10 Things to Eat on Tired Mornings 1. Better choice: A small serving of cheese before bed is an excellent snack, but stick with fresh varieties, not aged cheese. ... plain old water first thing can help you wake up faster. Even minor dehydration can cause you to wake up not feeling your best. Anything with caffeine can not only prevent you from falling asleep but from staying asleep as well. Waking up often during the night is frustrating, but it also can be difficult to pinpoint the source of your poor-quality sleep. While it's not exactly true that turkey makes you sleepy all by itself, it is true that turkey is a good source of tryptophan. 8. But it's hardly the only source of tryptophan. Dark chocolate. Well, your sleep, for starters. If the detox is strong might be because there is too much to detox, if there is too much to detox take don’t eat food that are hard on the liver, choose to have an alkaline diet instead, find peace in your life. Juices such as grapefruit, orange, and pineapple have a high acid content, which can cause reflux or indigestion, making it tough to sleep comfortably. If this has ever happened to you, it might be time to pull out the big guns and start eating foods that keep you awake, no matter how poor your sleep was the night before. Eat a balanced and varied diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat protein sources. That chunk of cheddar sure tasted good, but now you’re lying awake counting sheep. You’ll be glad you did in the morning. That means limiting soy sauce, frozen meals and processed foods like canned soups, chips and salted nuts. In addition, studies have shown that sleep deprivation can harm the body in different ways. Credit: Photo: Anna1311/Getty Images. Therefore, if you go straight to bed after eating a high-fiber meal, you could experience gas and bloating that could keep you up. Water is great for weight loss and staying healthy but can have the unfortunate side effect of waking you up for middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks. Drinking lots of fluids before bed can cause you to wake up repeatedly to use the bathroom. If that sounds all-too-familiar, the blame might lie with your late-night food choices. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Morning puffiness in the face is often a giveaway that your body wasn’t fond of something you ate the night … Snoring can make you wake up in the middle of the night. ... plain old water first thing can help you wake up faster. The reason? This helps me to go back to sleep. If you’ve been struggling to get a good night's sleep, read on as our experts reveal the 12 foods and drinks you should try to avoid before hitting the sack. Better choice: Enjoy a small bowl of yogurt or a handful of nuts instead of a spicy snack before bed. Fried chicken and other fried foods are undeniably tasty – so greasy, so crunchy, so good. "The quality of your diet plays a huge role in supporting optimal sleep," Cynthia Sass, RD, CSSD tells Bustle. Sometimes it can be an absolute struggle to function without that hit of caffeine in the morning. To figure out what specific foods inflame you, just look at your face when you wake up in the morning, especially around the eyes. Like hot peppers, hot sauce is another food that can keep you up at night. Curb cravings: If you are prone to the midnight munchies, having a small, healthy snack after dinner may help to prevent cravings for sweet and salty foods later on. If you over-consume alcoholic beverages before bed, you may fall asleep quickly, but you won’t sleep soundly,” says Deborah Orlick Levy, registered dietician and Carrington Farms Health and Nutrition Consultant. ... even after a full night’s rest. Michelle Ullman has written hundreds of articles on home decor since 2011. Chocolate should basically be its own food group. So unless you’re enjoying a glass of wine as a prelude to romance, pass up the bedtime booze. Pass on potato chips, fried foods, fast food and frozen snacks because they are typically high in saturated fat. While there may be many factors contributing to your restless nights, take note of what you're eating just before bed. While you do need plenty of fiber for good health, a digestive system full of roughage can lead to gassy, bloated sleep, and many nighttime awakenings. These foods apparently wake you up better than coffee. Most people believe that a glass of wine before bed can help you get some quality sleep, but the opposite is actually true. Apples. Better choice: Nibble on a hardboiled egg, a slice of whole-wheat toast or a slice of fresh cheese instead. Where Do You Put All Those Throw Pillows? "This isn't very pleasant when sleeping and can wake you up in the middle of the night.". Spicy foods. 11. Take their advice and hopefully you will be sleeping like a … A nightcap might seem like a good way to end a busy day, and in fact, alcohol does help you fall asleep faster, but the benefit ends there. The number one food to … Instead, eat a dinner made of foods rich in carbohydrates and tryptophan. First: Eating a lot can lead to stomach reflux wakenings during sleep. The best way to get a good night's sleep is to increase your melatonin intake, recommends Michelle Dudash, a registered dietician. Better choice: Snack on an apple before sleep. When you eat fatty, spicy or greasy foods just before bedtime, they can hinder your ability to fall asleep or cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with heartburn and indigestion. Tyramine stimulates the production of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter which is part of the fight-or-flight response, meaning that you’ll feel alert and awake. Photo / Getty Images. There is an added a shock factor if you’ve just been jolted awake. “Alcohol’s effects on sleep have been well studied. The symptoms of heart palpitations when lying down, however, are about the same as they are whether you’re standing up or sitting down. Like aged cheese, bacon and other cured meats (including sausage, bologna, pastrami, corned beef, and ham) contain hefty doses of tyramine, an amino acid that triggers your brain into alertness, not relaxation. If your liver is detoxing when you wake up, could it be that the detox is strong enough to wake you up ? I make a whey protein shake with whole milk every night before I go to bed when I wake up, I drink my shake and I can go back to sleep. I wake up at about 5 a.m. 1 / 10. CDN. She's a self-taught decor expert who contributes to several publications. "If you find yourself sensitive to juice before bed, consume at least 30 minutes before you sleep and prop yourself up a little on a pillow before bed," says Amidor. "Whole, nutrient-rich, easy-to-digest foods are generally best for falling asleep more easily, settling into deep, restorative sleep, and preventing overnight wakefulness.". For the majority of college students, coffee and tea are a crucial in the dorm room. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. The explanation for this one is a bit different, though: "Hot sauce gets its heat from the compound capsaicin found in chili peppers," offers Hayim. A good steak is a meal fit for a king – but it’s also a meal that is likely to leave you longing for shuteye if you eat it too close to bedtime. Chia seeds help fight off the fatigue with omega-3 fatty acids and will help speed up your digestion since they absorb any liquid they’re made with. Better choice: If you want a crispy, salty snack before bedtime, pop up some popcorn – but leave off the excess salt and butter. On the days that I run I increase the amount of protein in the shake. 3. I used stevia and a small amount of coconut sugar to sweeten the shake. And not only do 2 … It’s also a great way to wind down at night. Heart palpitations at night—particularly if they disrupt sleep—can be slightly more alarming. Dark chocolate is a sneaky source of caffeine, which is known to perk you up. Once asleep after imbibing, you’ll face a reduction of restorative REM sleep, and more frequent nighttime waking – both of which leave you fatigued in the morning. Great Foods to Eat When Pulling an All-Nighter. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Apples are a great source of quercetin, an antioxidant that actively protects your brain cells. Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are all super-healthy additions to your diet, but they are best enjoyed early in the evening – at least a few hours before bedtime. Normal people's brains filter out most normal sensations and only focus on abnormal sensations. You may wake up in the middle of the night jonsing for another donut or snack,” she explains. For example, everyone has pulsations with heart beats. Cherries . You’ll get just enough protein without too much fat, and a helping of tryptophan as well. Add chia seeds to your breakfast by chowing down on this Lemon Chia Seed Parfait. 5 Healthy Foods That Are Keeping You Up at Night Hard cheese. Here are 7 healthy foods to start your day that wake you up better than coffee. Skip the cup of coffee or the nighttime sleep aid and try one of these foods instead for a natural way to wake up or settle down. Unfortunately, dark chocolate also contains caffeine – the higher the percentage of pure cocoa, the higher the caffeine content. These foods apparently wake you up better than coffee. If you have trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep during the night, you should take special care to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and overly spicy, fatty, or sugary foods. 7 Foods That May be the Reason You’re Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night 1. But it turns out there are some specific foods that actually help wake you up even more than coffee!fix of the day that is. All rights reserved. Answers from doctors on foods that wake you up. If you tend to have a couple of glasses of wine with your evening meal and are struggling to get quality sleep, take a week or two off and see if you wake up feeling more rested. Chamomile, valerian, and passionflower are just a few of the flavorful choices at any supermarket. Better choice: If you want a crispy, salty snack before bedtime, pop up some popcorn – but leave off the excess salt and butter. Anxious people are too aware of normal sensations a human experiences 24 hours a day. However, you may want to start looking at your diet, as what you eat before bed can play a role in how well you're sleeping. Symptoms of Heart Palpitations at Night. Anything that requires the body to work hard in digestion can cause disruptions in sleep. While it’s true that dark chocolate’s caffeine content is lower than that of coffee, it is still enough to be significant for many people: up to 80 mg of caffeine in a 3.5-ounce bar of very dark chocolate. Foods can help you sleep or keep you up late at night. Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) can wake you up in the middle of the night with feelings of anxiousness, nausea, dizziness and hunger. You can add a handful of raisins as well. Watermelon. "[Sugary foods] can wreak havoc with blood sugar levels and wind up disrupting sleep," says Sass. There are a number of foods that can wake you up in the middle of the night, and eliminating them from your diet — or just trying to eat them earlier in the day — may be able to help improve your quality of sleep. Milk has been the poster child for healthy bones since forever. Although we all love a good donut here and there, too much fried food or food high in fat before bed can have you... 2. Saturated fat also can be difficult to pinpoint the source of your diet plays a huge role supporting.: instead of beef, milk, nuts and seeds, honey, and even bananas is not to these. But now you ’ ll get a delicious taste, healthy vitamins and no unpleasant sensations to keep you.. Try your hands on these foods are healthy and can are really effective to wake faster. 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