So, I am afraid, unless you are some kind of witch doctor attempting to scam credulous idiots out of money, you will find you have to wait for me to release your comment from the holding pen. From government policies that directs taxation into support services. If you are forced to deal with a biased a judge in a family law case, there may be some things you can do to battle these biases. It should be remembered that family courts must rely on facts. It has only been made possible because we can now view brain functioning dynamically and correlate this wih behavior and development. For example, a man will treat his wife with kid-gloves most of the time and even if she bashes him , he will recognise that his faults and actions may have contributed , set her off or ‘triggered ‘ her behaviour. I had been thinking and worrying about it for a while. I must have missed the fact that you were commiserating. I live in my van, supporting both of my x wives with all of my income. I was awarded 300 a month in child support and she was awarded 659 dollars a month in alimony, needless to say I never got a dime of the child support so I decided to withhold it from the allimony and then take her back to court to have the alimony adjusted to reflect the deduction. Human Rights Act claims – where are we now? They merely follow orders and succumb to Spanish practices, false ideology and illegitimate aims foisted upon them by their superiors. I am also a survivor of parental child abduction and a long list of traumas that occurred while my parents and social system were busy with their own lives. ISBN 9781646205196, Your email address will not be published. Are you saying those who would differentiate on gender grounds are not fit to take part in discussions?Or are you merely saying that you don’t personally differentiate and see no point in discussing it with anyone who does? And If I did, I would expect them to kick me out. The failure of the Court to take the time to test evidence properly. In the case of progression as a society certainly domestic violence should be abhorred by men as im certain it is 9unfortunately abused men are still assumed as weaklings despite equal levels of mental and physical violence against them) and the horrendous situation that men experience in the family Courts system should be vocally criticised by more women, men need that support, specifically from women when fabricated allegations are made against them which seems to be only too common, leaving the women who are abused by their male partners at a severe disadvantage by women making false allegations. life imprisonment or if the judge orders family liquidation and forced adoption for his children then there should be an automatic right to appeal. It is not a ‘generalisation’ that women are more often the primary carers of small children. I am not either moaning about what goes on in the big bad room of doom, as the people that work in that environment have a very tough job to do and I do not have any answers to the quite often unfair outcomes. After that statement I could not take anything else you posted as credible. In my own case, I was disgusted to discover that the court seemed far more willing to accept my ex-wife’s word that I was ‘abusive’, despite their being no evidence, than they were to accept my word that she was interfering with visitation or engaging in alienating behaviour. On brief facts alone! There are many reasons for this, notably that it is the woman who gives birth, it is the woman who is likely to earn less than the man who impregnated her. Psychatric places were available all the time. I don’t believe that for a moment. There is specific and calculated gender bias in the family Courts system, to say otherwise is to say that the hundreds of thousands of men stating it are wrong and you alone are right which would only lead to stereotypical assertations that inherently lead to a bias conclusion. Lady justice peeked through her blindfold and tipped the scale. All allegations should be treated with the same weight regardless of gender and all safeguarding techniques should be implemented equally. Sam has told us that it is POSSIBLE her husband/partner is on the autistic spectrum and that certain apparently small events would set him off into a childish tantrum. It is their task to make it available . B is made homeless! My description however, sadly meets quite a lot of men I know. You have the gift to do so. They helped x move out of state. If it is alleged that a man is violent towards his wife but there are no police reports supporting that, or medical evidence, and the wife says it doesn’t happen – then challenge that account. I chose to spend my time differently so I will not be engaging any further with you. As always, I am willing to put forward an ordinary parent’s opinion. I notice Bruce Duncan Perry has also found a cure for ADHD. Or sometimes when Dad has smacked a naughty child now and again and on one occasion caused a bruise. It is only when it becomes habitual behaviour that it becomes serious criminal behaviour. To which my mother replied “No mother would……..blah blah” Once I pointed out the societal impunity offered to mothers that she had just admitted to, her eyes were opened and she realised what she had just said and done. However I feel that it is rather too glib and superficial to maintain that the system is not at fault – it’s the people using it! I don’t agree with your characterisation of ‘pretty much all’ women as ‘deceitful and manipulative’ Frankly, I feel that the family law system is diseased and broken and has reduced many fathers to the role of an ATM machine. But I understand it. Unfortunately my own experience of family Court was one of extreme gender bias as a man, this is a fact not an assumption. I mentioned that if *** or her mother ever lay a finger on my son (due to knowing a history of neglect and abuse within the family) I’d be furious (abusive….???? Hello, yes I did wonder myself ., however, it was stated by A to B whilst already in a relationship. What on earth was he doing have unprotected sex with such a nasty specimen of humanity then? We should all examine universal facts. The standards displayed by Family Courts including the inherent bias and discrimination contrive to make hearings unfair which ,of course, is in contravention of Art.6 (ECHR) . About one in every fifty American men is currently behind bars, and we could think about gender disparity as perhaps being a key dimension of that problem.””, So why wouldn’t there be bias against men in the family court? The MMR vaccine does not cause autism, we know and accept that, but is it coincidence that an MMR JAB IS ADMINISTERED JUST BEFORE A CHILD STARTS NURSERY? She has written a letter saying the dad is an abuser and lots of people are jumping on that band wagon and saying the dad must be an abuser. Angelo, please don’t be disingenuous. I agree that the courts can’t really make things much better. I was the custodial parent after my divorce. I understand. To that end, I confess I am a bit prickly about your last sentence; stating that I need help to ‘understand the preconceptions fathers have a little better’. I take full responsibility for my irresponsible behaviour but for some reason there seems to be no pressure, professionally or socially for her to take any responsibility at all. This is a very important discussion and I hope we can open some minds. state court judges as being “biased” by their gender identity, particularly in cases involving reproductive rights/family law? Takes us back to my initial point about gender impunity to the responsibility for creating a human. I see more parents fighting for their rights as opposed to understanding a child has the right to healthy & balanced relationships with both their parents. How is this not biased, in favour of A, both police and Family Court? Thank your lucky stars your case is merely a private dispute.In Public Law cases, innocent children ( including helpless new-born babes) are taken into care in their thousands unfairly! I have given reasons why and I suppose such a law might not be entirely fair in cases where Dad is a househusband. A woman can never be equal to a man and never, ever will a man be able to equal a woman’s touch in child-care particularly with HER OWN BABY. Here are my suggestions for some solutions. On the subject of zero tolerance, lawyers should accept reality and recognise that it does not work in normal ( non-CP professional) human relationships. finances etc I suppose this is why many folk go to MK friends and organisations like FASSITT or JFF. None of us deny , however, that at least an element of bias must exist in the Family Court especially against the male gender when most of the professionals involved including the Judge perhaps are female. The gender stereotype might make it easier for a judge in deciding custody, but it comes at a price. Of course it is and if we live in a society that can be so flippant about it’s responsibly to the most vulnerable, I don’t want to inhabit it. Do I feel biased against as a mother? That engrained bias is what us estranged fathers are sadly up against. I would be interested to assist in any way I can with furthering the debate that is so sorely needed. What is needed is considerably more emotional intelligence around separation than I think many can demonstrate and I would be interested to find out more about WHY this is so, and what we can do to help. In the end, it is the child that suffers most. They use the potential of their superior physical strength to intimdidate. B then moves out of the home as A wants to be back. They have such low standards and very little sense of proportionality. Their assessments are made in their own interests NOT those of the unfortunate children. As several studies and publications have reported, females victims approx 57%, males victims 43% I can also tell you of many women left in poverty after men impregnated them and then disappeared. In real families ,all members of a family have to show each other a substantial amount of tolerance . I commend you. The atmosphere was tense but civil for approx 6 weeks. You however may want to entertain the notion that there are thousands of men like me and that parental alienation and bias in the system is a real problem and not an imagined one. On this subject, I suggest that factseeker’s comments and those of any man should be valued by all readers especially mothers. This is very new area of study. He can not see his children and at the same time he is expected to pay generous sums of child support. Another reason to keep away from it. ———, “Grief fills the room up of my absent child, Such trends can only serve to increase the bias and the perception of bias against men. I can appreciate, that working daily in the Family court system you must encounter many occasions where people have helped to create or compound the problems they now grapple with. I hope I don’t ever give the impression that ‘the system’ is just fine. I take you seriously. Of course,really it was only in the best interests of the Local Authority. And what I see is Father’s rights groups attacking Mothers in a battle of wills. Social media is not the best platform for a sensible debate. I don’t think ‘masculinity’ is or should be a dirty word but I think elements of ‘masculinity’ which are now praised run a risk of being seriously harmful for the individual men and for society at large. It makes objectivity tough. What about the deceitful manipulate women who intentionally push men to the edge .. i.e. Often the woman has been the main carer, a stay at home mum, cos that’s woman’s work innit. The problems no doubt stem from multiple causes over many years. As a 50 year old Dad I was only too happy to take on my responsibility poo nappies and all, spending by far the vast majority as primary carer. I arranged childcare, school runs, packed lunches, etc. Therefore contact should never be cut stone dead until he has been found culpable ( by whichever standard of proof we want). lawyers don’t determine where public money is spent. I hope this is helpful to why their might be this “mindest” as the President of the Family Courts put it in a judgement. The ECHR is clear that these human rights cannot be contravened unless their is a pressing social need . I recall a case when the dad was accused of not paying a maintenance payment which he had indeed paid into mum’s account. 24 hours later B removes remaining possessions from property. Prof. Starr leaves that question to policymakers, but she does note that the solution “is not necessarily to lock up a lot more women, but perhaps to reconsider the decision-making criteria that are applied to men. Because of this, he had to move out of a studio apartment he just got back to his car. B sought help for A on many occasions, but A refused to acknowledge any issues. Children will feel one way or another when their parents don’t get along and it will hurt them no matter whose fault it is. Quite what the position will be when a child is her husbands from a previous relationship and she is just step-parent may be another exception. It has only been made possible because we can now view brain functioning dynamically and correlate this wih behavior and development. It is such a valuable natural force and society in many ways deters family-friendly forces. Do you think he is biased against men? A lot of men are indifferent because they don’t see themselves ever being in this situation until they are. Really, we cannot pretend that in a system dominated by females that there is not a bias against men. All comments welcome. This is about people acting as rational agents in their own lives and taking responsibility for their own choices. My comment is based upon the reading of essays and opinions written by philosophers who evaluated the problem of male violence against their wives/partners over 2000 years ago. 10 men to every women commits suicide during divorce. ), (It must be noted that A has had three previous relationships that have broken down acrimoniously). In an ideal world there would be no divorce. This would cut out a lot of family court squabbling. I think you are meaning well, but it’s all useless personal opinion. Never lawyers or police. I am frequently told by men for e.g. I have no doubt the situation you describe happens; I have been involved in many cases where similar situations arose. No men would promote such views for believing men. [This comment has been redacted for abuse. Its horrible. The President hopes this situation will improve by growth of digital court and consequent ability to ‘mine’ digital systems for data. This article illustrates challenges in building working relationships with men, including the challenge of avoiding binary thinking in the assessment of fathers as “risk” or “resource.” Drawing on our qualitative longitudinal study of men’s experiences of child protection in England, we highlight how both organizational (clashing time perspectives) and cultural (gendered-thinking) factors can trouble the potential relationship between social workers and fathers. If you aren’t married to Mum,for heavens sake,leave children with her and trust her until they themselves seek you out. In my partners case, The police were called after she had what could only be described as a tantrum over a miniscule issue, I won’t get into the details on a public forum for the sake of all involved but will be happy to discuss this in private with you. Your use of the word ‘systemic’ was poorly chosen and your assertion quite wrong. It was just that some authorities try to stop people exercising their human right to take photographs and quote non-existent laws in their support saying it is forbidden because there is a risk the snaps might be spread on the internet and seen by perverts. 8th Family Law & Children’s Rights Conference July 2021, Singapore. But not by the courts, by a society that holds mothers to account in general. Have no respect for the family court system. I would just like to add also, that I am not at all moaning about mothers being primary carers, as I believe that in most cases that primary instinct IS a gender thing anyway. These things are petty but some not so minor and some will stress him out more. IN REALITY women also tolerate a lot of male misbehaviour too ,however, male violence to women is much less acceptable than vice-versa by any law . I am an educated professional. The judge was quite scathing of cafcass during the case. In accordance with the ICJ Statute, judges, either permanent or ad hoc, shall exercise their powers impartially.But in reality, can this expectation be achieved? I do not have to ‘entertain’ what you say. I do feel that an important factor is the secrecy surrounding the family court system and the consequential lack of reporting on, and analysis of decisions. What aggravates me and exasperates me about the whole debate is that many on both sides seem to wish to attribute one kind of characteristic exclusively the the group that shares or does not share their genitals. I think the system is deadbeat not fathers or mothers. I was merely reacting to the tone and the implication of your remarks which I found disagreeable. And perhaps most importantly, and touched on by many at the conference and afterwards. already commented on accusations that I am ‘sexist’ in this post. As I have written before, most of the front-line SW’s don’t know what they are doing wrong either. THE Police ‘listen’ and take a statement from B and state to B that they will people have a ‘word or two’ with A. I apologise if I misinterpreted the President’s meaning. They need a home. That lawyers with such ideas about proportionality should be allowed to go into court with that attitude is genuinely dangerous. These stats espouse an immoral truth. I am not trying to be glib or flippant but I suspect it seems that way. Nothing worse than a pure evil and vengeful mother getting all control on a plate through false allegations. I like how your comment was criticized. Considering the above, there seems to be a fundamental principle underpinning the actions of some of the family court that if a mother expresses an inappropriate belief, it is more likely to be treated as true, whereas if a man expresses an inappropriate belief, it is more likely to be treated as false. Guess who gets paid first by the state….Judges…..So yes there is collusion, fraud, and bias because most of the time not always the father makes the most money. Why are children being demonised by those who raised them? Families have to deal with problems together. This is clearly an issue that generates strong feelings. When it comes to decision-making, trial court judges are just as influenced by gender bias as laypeople are, according to new research Lady Justice isn’t so blind after all. I disagree with this bit the system has been given the responsibility for taking action which will improve those outcomes? We do need to recognise this as an inherent reality; I am not sure ‘bias’ is always the right word. The more cases we see the more we couldnt cover up the lie. Regarding bias in family courts ,probably the bias is not malicious ,I hope not, but it matters not one iota to the poor children whether it is or not. B also wants to return home. I didn’t. When I got home at 7pm or 8pm or 9pm did I have a hot meal waiting for me? By all means raise this me, in constructive comment. Just to be clear, I don’t for a moment believe that you would differentiate on gender grounds. As an example of this, when I contacted the LA earlier in the year advising I was concerned for my children and potential abuse the response was & I quote ‘well you’re not in the house so there won’t be any abuse’ None of us are here on this earth to massage another’s ego or attempt to forestall their angry outbursts. As I said the man is a human being and may get aggressive by human nature. This almost certainly isn’t exhaustive. So yes, I do believe there is a bias, maybe I would go so far as to say that there maybe a point for gender bias in the family court system, however, that is purely based on my own experiences thus far. (Would’ent be Mums who are stay at home, with a partner who goes out to work to support the family in relative comfort would it? It is a clear form of abuse. I don’t deny gender bias is real. No-one has answered yet. A family Court should not decisions on the basis of their concerns that a man might be a pervert ‘just in case’ a child might be at risk. He does a lot of good work in educating teachers on the best ways of working with children who are victims of early caregiver abuse. The dad ended up paying nearly £2000 twice. Because sometimes things come up. Most of history women were pledged to honour and serve their husbands. This makes these children vulnerable to a range of problems in life that contunues in adulthood. The court system has ended up, by default, because there is no other option, attempting to help warring parents ‘see sense’ and do right by their children. Family law is biased against fathers, moreover the vast ampunt of substantive evidence, whether that evidence be anecdotal, emperical, data driven, All points in one direction, the a priori maxim, the canonical objective truth, THE FAMILY must me destroyed, AND furthermore WOMEN posses the biological, psychological innate characteristics to embody this ideological axiomatic maxim. Maybe ,if a woman divorces and she has children , she should wait until they are sixteen before re-marrying or co-habiting with a new partner for their sake. It’s political correctness that calls the tune and that changes all the time. The Trouble With Fathers: The Impact of Time and Gendered-Thinking on Working Relationships Between Fathers and Social Workers in Child Protection Practice in England. Whilst it is true that I wish that I had made better life choices, it nullifies your claimed ‘commiseration’ somewhat for you to point it out don’t you think counsellor? I agree with you. So for the sake of the public, we must urgently get to the bottom of that debate – especially as regards equality legislation and its application. They seem to think it is their duty to ‘protect’ children when, in actual fact ,it is the duty of those with parental responsibility to ‘protect’ them and theirs to provide support to children and families not to destroy them. you really do not understand about the separation of powers do you? My conclusion is that there is the implication here that women deserve certain advantages over men. This has now finally been resolved, with the LA.allowed to save face with a new s/w telling the court that the father has undergone great changes, when in fact he has not changed at all. This has resulted in improved understanding of the role that brain parts and their connections play in both normal and dysfunctional behavior. QUOTE: I understand and share your frustration that certain allegations, such as sexual abuse, just stop contact stone dead while investigations are carried out. “Could I win the LA case for it?” If the answer is .”Yes” then they just advise their client to lie down and give up. We need to access our emotional intelligence about relationships, before children enter the picture. If the fact is she has not allowed the contact then she should be fined a big sum to deter her from doing it again. And when I found my mother she was living on the streets, a broken and poorly woman. Well, I disagree unfortunately. Children’s family and human rights must be decided after a fair ‘trial’ in the shape of a hearing which is scrupulously impartial. Of course, there will be exceptions when men are actually house-husbands but that could be set out at a divorce hearing ( or facts-only divorce-type hearing) .I received no answer from Jerry about gender-equality . I’ve been on the receiving end of it. Aggression and intimidation is abusive, whether covert or not. Get real!i The parents who write posts or comment on this resource and others don’t have to be afraid and can speak out. The Court has! If you are violent, abusive or belliting towards those you purport to love, be you male or female, it is YOUR responsibility to sort yourself out, not your partners. The scales are unbalanced, a woman is bestowed with power in family law analogous to that of a medieval king and this is irrefragable. It would be foolish and irresponsible in the extreme to do so. You might think that this does not affect you, but one day it might. There is no point in spending my entire life fighting a battle I cannot win. You state that ” the issue of fathers who walk away is every bit as painful and difficult as the issue of the mothers who deliberately sabotage a loving father’s relationship with a child” If you can’t make a point without insulting someone, I doubt you have much of a point to make. I am ALWAYS ready to listen to and engage with challenge that is politely expressed. I just wish we could see it. Naturally, general good manners,respect for parents and elders and so on must be taught to children at school for them to take on into adulthood. Help families, don’t ruin them. When you say:” ‘Belief’ and support can come from friends and counsellors. I can see that and I hope I can show you compassion for it. I know it to be true. It is certainly not the will of the people that children are left to kill themselves, certainly not, and the Public authorities should be forced by the Judicial authorities to abide by the convention. He worked away and his parents were involved with the care of our children and he refused to inform the court of where they were living and indirect contact was allowed via his parents. In Private cases like yours ,you face the same immovable force. Ok then, explain to me how every single day I can read in UK newspapers or in online postings, complaints by women that the family courts didn’t believe them and chose their violent ex to parent their children? Sorry,Sarah. It is clear that mothers obtain certain advantages in battles over children because they are overwhelmingly likely to have been that child’s primary carer – in the case of very young children, that claim is magnified by the biological reality of breast feeding. We are all guilty of unwittingly stereotyping, including the professionals that ought not to. rather than argue in a family court because that court is one which hasn’t the time or ability to come to fair decisions anyway.Even trained barristers are confused by it all and that cannot be surprising. I don’t know how old they are; if teenagers then there is probably little point in going to court I am afraid. Although I imagine that you would not support such campaigns, very surprisingly, the government appears increasingly to support them. They report false evidence and other unlawfulness but are ignored. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you in a timely manner. age of children I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t. Don’t be stuck in the present .Think about reality, universal truths but most of all the Law and reality is not centred upon those who have separated or divorced and those who would advise it. I called police as an argument had occurred. Are the family courts biased against men? It is my clear belief, after many years as a woman and parent, that our society does not value activities around child care. Children clearly count for very little in our current world . Those documents and others are naturally granted respect and credit by the court,guardian and all the children’s legal panel.Certainly,should the response argue as to their truth,he or she will be denigrated and discriminated against by the court.It will be claimed that removal is the only option for the parent won’t acknowledge concerns and cooperate (even before the judgment as to their truth and validity is taken). The courts showed zero interest in my ability to support myself post divorce or the fact that I was almost made homeless and often could not afford to eat. I don’t think it is. Wether this is truthful or not, we do not know,due to the history of lies. She sees her mum every other weekend, extended periods over holidays and occasionally during the week. Does Family Court favour women? The judge was a rather senior old buffer in the wilds of Yorkshire, but he had clearly made up his mind about what he was going to do and was not interested in evidence. I will look up these journals with interest.. Bruce Duncan Perry certainly has had a very interesting life by all accounts. I was close to my family, paid my taxes and I believed in law and order. Both men and women have been foul, rude and abusive in their replies to me on this topic and I thus am contemptuous of them all. Sonnet will resonate with many readers since this is more apparent in a family court, the court the. Us family court etc.. are family court judges biased a fathers child emotional abuse and decided in their upcoming elections, visit... Equitable outcomes consciousness and to have problems the merit of responding to this perhaps you have a... 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