The American Library Association’s annual awards for children’s and young adult books is a great place to find excellent reads for kids. 248 Shares View On One Page Photo 6 of 6 ADVERTISEMENT () We’ve rounded up a sample of 25. That it's okay for kids to decline hugs and kisses, even from people they love, and that you can still form a friendship, even if you don't want to be hugged or kissed right now. Consent is an issue that has been hitting the headlines lately due to recent events, in this blog we explore ways you can talk about it with your young people. This humorously illustrated book explains consent in child-friendly terms, explaining bodily autonomy and choice through primarily nonsexual examples. Lists are re-scored approximately every 5 minutes. June 26, 2018 by Megan Hippler. It's gender agnostic which is refreshing. Body awareness and consent featured in workshops including by Deanne Carson and others at the conference. June 26, 2018 by Megan Hippler. Though it's what we think of most as adults, consent to children can be as simple as asking to please stop tickling. Read 26 reviews from the world's largest com… Kids have secrets. This humorous and insightful book from the co-creator of the viral "Tea Consent" video is the perfect teaching tool, conversation starter, and insightful, empowering resource for educators, kids… Or resources about consent in my sex education resource list. by Cathleen Barnhart It seems like a simple thing to teach our children—regardless of their gender—about consent and boundaries. This is known as being Gillick competent. by Jennifer Moore-Malinos. This board book offers a great basic primer on body boundaries through a simple story about a boy named Finn navigating a party of beautifully diverse family and friends with the help of his parents. Protecting children’s informational privacy has never been more difficult. Let’s help our kids learn about body safety and stranger danger with the help of these simple and child-friendly books about child abuse. With the help of the following books, the conversation becomes an easy and fluid one, where boundaries, respect, and consent become an every day conversation. 248 Shares View On One Page Photo 4 of 6 ADVERTISEMENT () I've already seen an improvement in their navigating of minor consent issues between siblings. It focuses on the importance of not forcing, bribing, or arguing someone into an activity that they are not interested in, helping children learn how to stand their own ground and respect other people's boundaries. Do they understand the types of secrets they can keep and the ones they To aid in this, and because it can still feel like a taboo conversation for some, we’ve created this handy list of books to help teach younger children about their anatomy, boundaries and consent and to hopefully encourage open conversations between parents (and carers) and their children. Educate2Empower Publishing is an international award winning niché children's book publisher who specializes in children's books on BODY SAFETY, CONSENT, GENDER EQUALITY, RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS, and SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. The 'Note to the Reader' at the beginning of the 'No Means No!' Part of the Tell Somebody series, this book encourages children to talk about things, even when they feel ashamed or worried. Healing Days is a sensitive and reassuring story intended for children who have experienced trauma and covers the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that many kids have after a bad and scary thing happens. View Only Community Home Discussion 12K Resources 281 Members 55.6K 55.6K : Boundaries, Respect, And Being In Charge of You, written by Rachel Brian, co-creator of the viral " Tea Consent " video addresses just that, in … Age appropriate books to talk to your children about consent, abuse and empowerment With the #metoo movement filling our social media feeds, people are bravely coming forward to share things that they haven’t talked about much before now. Share This Link Copy Fortunately, there are picture books about consent for children that can help kickstart these conversations. I use this both as a parent and as a psychologist. June 26, 2018 by Megan Hippler. Mother, children’s book author, teacher, publisher, passionate advocate for Body Safety and Respectful Relationships Education Jayneen Sanders recently wrote an article that appeared on HuffPost: 10 Ways To Talk To Your Kids About Body Safety And Consent. : Teaching Personal Boundaries, Consent; Empowering Children by Respecting Their Choices and Right to Say 'No! 'Sex Is A Funny Word' by Cory Silverberg And Fiona Smyth, 'Your Body Belongs To You' by Cornelia Maude Spelman, 'Do You Have A Secret?' Consent is more than a sexual concept. For me, it's just something I've always known. I appreciate that it depicts common situations fot children; ironically often the most difficult in dysfunctional family systems. It’s … I appreciate that it depicts common situations fot children; ironically often the most difficult in dysfunctional family systems. Our books combine beautiful illustrations with key educational concepts capturing both the child's imagination as well as teaching … Some great children’s books to continue learning about these themes come recommended by ECA: No means No! This board book offers a great basic primer on body boundaries through a simple story about a boy named Finn navigating a party of beautifully diverse family and friends with the help of his parents. By the late eighteenth century, however, English and American law began to emphasize contractual relations based on informed consent rather than on birth status. Will Ladybug Hug? This book can be read to children from 3 to 9 years. Teaching kids about consent at an early age is vital. It is equally important a child understands, from a very young age, they need to respect another person’s body boundary and ask for their consent when entering their personal space. June 26, 2018 by Megan Hippler. This book explores these questions through detailed qualitative research. To aid in this, and because it can still feel like a taboo conversation for some, we’ve created this handy list of books to help teach younger children about their anatomy, boundaries and consent and to hopefully encourage open conversations between parents (and carers) and their children.