Deer are among the most familiar animals of Washington, and in many places they are the largest wildlife that people encounter. If you spook a big buck bad enough he won't ever come back. They do not go back to the exact nest where they were born (hopefully their parents would still be nesting there), but there is a concept called "site-fidelity" which means there is a strong attraction for a bird to return to the area where it was born. cody r ⭐⭐⭐ Join Date: … Every deer season there comes a time when placing a priority on morning hunts over evening hunts, creates enourmous opportunities for whitetail hunters. They provide just enough protection to keep a bird dry and warm through the night. Deer may tend towards shorter distance and time of movement. Left arrow to indicate to go back Back to eCommerce; Accept payments from customers; Add a payment gateway (SecurePay) Left arrow to indicate to go back Back to Accept payments from customers; Add a payment gateway … Turns out, that zombie blemish isn't as uncommon as you'd think. Mothers spend most of their time away from their fawn's hiding places but return every so often to nurse. In the back of the mouth deer have molars, canines and incisors, which are used for chewing. Q. tlangs31 ⭐ Join Date: Oct 2009; Posts: 31; Share Tweet #4. Those movements are typically at sunrise and sunset. Every other deer has a place in the hierarchy. Females occasionally have twins, and a deer giving birth to triplets is not unheard of, but a … You must decide whether to move on and try to find a different place to hunt the buck or to keep sitting in the same stand. One negative aspect about this is … They have long legs with powerful muscles and are able to run 40 miles per hour and jump 10 feet high. An intradocument hyperlink, also known as a named document link, uses a URL like this: